just as common to see a drone
as it is to see a bird, almost alive
models, mentors
packaging to throw out
inspiration to transcribe
slideshows on wrist watch
look there’s you
toilet paper full on roll
too thick to rotate
high winds (may) exist
poetry in motion
by accident
collisions generate more objects
detecting and tracking
this is my favorite picture of earth
toss zone, tight bubble
mase on keychain
drildo LED advertised
sirens got flatter on roofs of cars
to match a slimmer dispatch screen
porta potties load onto a flatbed truck
at an angle
heal my schtick
power lines take us to the trail
this is a queer space, take space, make space
yamika tumbles off head
hamburger juice absorbed by bandaid
once a papercut looking for absorption
rotating face around the contours
of recognition
conference panel of rollie suitcases
please tell me if I’m wrong
culture attaché
reads and thinks
digesting what’s relevant to business leader
university ID prints a ticket
to the museum that reads
corporate employee
magician on train times his tricks to the stops
rust protects dogs paws from razors
zooming in with pointer and thumb
touch and expand two fingers gestures
doesn’t work on a print photo
won’t automate a response
all photos taken with cons


Ariel Goldberg's publications include The Estrangement Principle (Nightboat Books, 2016) and The Photographer (Roof Books, 2015).